Sunday, May 10, 2015

Children Learn What They Live

I've made it a tradition to pray with Israel (our little boy) before I lay him down to sleep. Yesterday, after singing a few nursery rhymes I noticed he was starting to dose off, so I decided to pray. When I was just about to finish, Israel said Amen... I looked at him in shock and realised that even his hands were clasped together. My shock turned to joy as I started saying Amen aloud and he kept on repeating and clapping... It suddenly hit me that our little boy has been watching his parents.

One thing I was thankful for though was that he has been watching the right things. When you put rice in your microwave what you get is rice not beans. It's the same with our little ones, if you want a disciplined child, discipline with love. If you want your child to know God, talk about God...

As a first time mum, I'm still learning but one thing is for sure... I want to see Israel grow up to be hard working, godly and loving man. Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.